The Faculty Association is governed by a Constitution and Bylaws
and by the democratically elected representatives of the Executive Committee. Executive Committee members are ultimately responsible and accountable to the members through the democratic process. Under our Constitution, the President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Faculty Association. The President is responsible for the overall operation of the organization, supervises the other members of the Executive Committee, and presides over and issues notices for general meetings of the Faculty Association and Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee comprises fifteen members who are elected to two-year terms, some as chairs of specific committees, others as members-at-large. Under the BC Society Act and the BC Labour Relations Code, Executive Committee members are required by law to act honestly and in good faith and in the best interests of the organization as well as to exercise the care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person in the execution of their duties. The Executive Committee conducts its business at regular meetings. Any member who would like the Executive Committee to consider a specific issue can contact the President.