Category: Stick on Homepage

Gearing Up for Bargaining 2025

Welcome to the start of a new collective-bargaining season!  As we start preparing for the next bargaining round, here are three ways we can collectively make this a powerful and successful set of negotiations.

Bargaining 2024 Consultations

As we prepare for the upcoming round of collective bargaining, we need to hear from you about your issues, priorities, and concerns. Below is a list of Zoom Consultation Sessions geared to specific constituencies that we’ll be holding over the fall. 

Bargaining Stalled

The last meeting between the University’s negotiating team and the Faculty Association’s team was Thursday, February 2nd. As a result of that meeting, negotiations have now stalled.

Objection Sustained

There might well be no aspect of collegial governance that matters more to faculty members than our ability to participate as experts in the appointing, reappointing, tenuring, and promoting (henceforth, ARPT processes) of our colleagues.  The Faculty Association has tendered four proposals that are directly concerned with ARPT processes.

Our General Wage Proposal

This post focuses on the top bargaining issue for most of us: the Faculty Association’s proposal for a general wage increase in response to current inflation trends.