On February 14, 2012, the University tabled the proposals below. Proposals are only the very first exchange of information between bargaining parties, to begin the bargaining conversation. Specific language and priorities will develop as a result of ongoing conversation between the parties.
February 14, 2012
UBC is prepared to negotiate issues arising under the collective agreement and will focus on the following components in this round of negotiations: the Agreement on the Framework for Collective Bargaining, the Agreement on Salaries and Economic Benefits, the Agreement on Leave of Absence, the Agreement on Conditions of Appointment for Faculty, and the Agreement on Conditions of Appointment for Librarians.
Based on the University’s objective of creating an exceptional learning environment which requires an approach that better rewards merit, and in accordance with the University’s guiding Principles and Values for bargaining, we propose the following:
1. Housekeeping
We propose the following changes to the Framework Agreement:
- Change Faculty Association dues language to reflect current practice of deductions per pay cheque (p. 9)
- Change title of “Director of the Arbitration Bureau” to reflect the current title of: Chair of the Labour Relations Board” (p. 13)
- Add position of Deputy University Librarian to Appendix A (p. 31).
We propose the following changes to the Salaries and Economic Benefits Agreement:
- Add language clarifying where details regarding terms of the Faculty Pension Plan (including eligibility and contribution rates) may be found (p. 48)
- In the Benefits section, update “age” as referenced by the Income Tax Act from 69 to 71 (p. 52).
We propose the following changes to the Conditions of Appointment for Faculty:
- In accordance with the agreement reached in the last round of negotiations which removed the language of regarding promotion of Senior Instructors to the professorial rank, delete language of promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor (p. 71).
2. Article 17 – Preservation of Past Rights and Practices – Framework Agreement (p. 19)
To encourage a fuller discussion on practices and new initiatives, suspend the operation of this Article (which provides the University will not change rights or practices that have “traditionally been the subject of consultation and discussion without appropriate consultation and discussion at the Departmental, Faculty or University level”) for the length of the collective agreement.
3. Term of Agreement, Article 26 – Framework Agreement (p. 28)
A two year term for the Agreement.
4. Compensation – Salaries and Economic Benefits
We propose to discuss compensation matters at a later time.
5. Merit and Performance Salary Adjustment (PSA), Articles 2.03, 2.04 – Salaries and Economic Benefits Agreement (pp. 39 to 44)
- Merge the two pools of money (merit and performance salary adjustments) into one merit-based fund reflecting FTEs and salaries in order to better streamline a complex system and to more effectively recognize outstanding faculty members.
- Allow Faculties to continue to set their “year” for review for merit and PSA awards.
6. Maternity/Parental/Adoptive Leave During Pre-Tenure Period, Article 1- Leaves of Absence Agreement (p. 58)
Create a rational connection between the leave time taken and the length of the tenure clock extension.
7. Tenure and Criteria for Promotion, Articles 3,5 – Conditions of Appointment for Faculty (pp.72-86)
- Revise the existing tenure and promotion processes to allow for tenure only in conjunction with promotion to Associate Professor. At the same time, strengthen the criteria for the more senior ranks.
- Define “eligible faculty member” in Article 5. 04(b) for the purposes of determining which rank votes on the appointment, reappointment, tenure and promotion decisions for the teaching and professoriate streams.
- “Without Prejudice”: Amend Article 5.14 to confirm the President has the right to consult as appropriate on a reappointment, tenure or promotion review, providing that if any negative information is discussed the candidate has the right to respond to the new information.
- The University provides notice that effective the end of the current Agreement, the University will end the practice of allowing a faculty member to retain her or his appointment when tenure has been denied, pending the outcome of the appeal process. That is, the University will terminate the individual’s employment within the Collective Agreement timelines (Le. a one year terminal appointment as provided for in Article 2.03 (g)).
8. Library Component (pp. 99 – 115)
Discussions with the Library and the Faculty Association will be underway as of February 29, 2012. It is agreed between the parties that these discussions will result in recommendations to this bargaining table and any recommendation or agreement is contingent on ratification by the University and the Faculty Association. The discussions regarding the Library will not involve compensation and any change proposed or agreed to must be cost neutral.
9. Post Candidacy Students (or equivalent) as Teachers
Allow PhD students access to teaching opportunities (with a cap on the number of courses that can be taught, as provided for in University Policy 75) without an appointment as a Sessional Lecturer.
10. Roster of Mediators/Facilitators
Create a jointly sponsored initiative for peer mediation and facilitation primarily for inter-faculty member disputes, using experienced, respected senior faculty members. Funded jointly by the UBCFA and the University, the initiative will include training through, for example, the Justice Institute of British Columbia or the Law School’s mediation program.
11. Secondment of faculty members to the Faculty Association – payment of salaries
The University provides notice that at the end of the current Agreement, the University will end its practice of allowing faculty members to be seconded to the Faculty Association in return for payment to the Department of salary and benefits based on the Sessional Lecturer salary grid.
12. Rationalization of the Collective Agreement
The parties have spent the last several months reviewing the components with an eye to reducing the duplication and bringing order to the Agreement. We are hopeful that this process will be completed shortly and the result can be tabled and agreed to at the bargaining table. No substantive changes have been made to the Agreement; rather this is an effort to better organize the provisions found in the various components.