Issues in Depth

The UBC Faculty Association is the voice of faculty on a number of important issues. To see related posts on these issues including calls for faculty input, select the relevant tag or select the search icon at the top right of this page to use the search bar. Many topics are ongoing and faculty perspectives are always welcome. If you would like to comment on any item, please send an email to [email protected].

Board governance issues

A letter from Mark Mac Lean, President
On behalf of the UBC Faculty Association Executive Committee

This link will take you to our open letter to the new Chair of the Board of Governors, Mr. Stuart Belkin. The letter has also been copied to Premier Clark and Minister Wilkinson.

Faculty Association questions and comments regarding proposed Policy 87: Research

A letter from Mark Mac Lean, President, on behalf of the UBC Faculty Association Executive Committee, to Hubert Lai, University Counsel:

“The Faculty Association is taking this opportunity to comment on, and seek clarification regarding, the proposed revisions to Policy 87. In general, the Association supports the University’s efforts to provide UBC Researchers clarity regarding the conduct and administration of research funding. Robust and innovative scholarly activity, and the academic freedom upon which it rests, is best achieved through the transparent elucidation of the rights and responsibilities of both the University and faculty at this institution. Despite our general support for the spirit of most of the revisions, the Association is concerned that the proposed Policy appears to intrude on the traditional rights of Faculty Association members by adding, omitting or altering a number of provisions in the existing Policy 87. The following is not an exhaustive list of our concerns…”

To view the letter, please follow this link.


Board governance issues and the President’s resignation

A letter from Mark Mac Lean, President
On behalf of the UBC Faculty Association Executive Committee

“It has been a while since the Faculty Association last communicated with members about the aftermath of the resignation of Dr. Arvind Gupta.

UBCFA Executive Meets with Presidential Search Committee

The Executive Committee of the UBC Faculty Association met with the Presidential Search Committee, at their request, on January 12, 2016. We took the opportunity to convey some of the messages you had sent us, especially, the sense of disengagement and cynicism that many of you have publicly and privately expressed,…


Join the Dialogue: UBC’s Proposed Amendments to Policy 87 – Research

The University is inviting comments on Proposed Amendments to Policy 87 – Research. The Rationale is available at

Please review the Proposed Amendments to Policy 87 and if you have any questions or concerns, let us know by responding to this email or sending an email to the Faculty Association at [email protected] by Wednesday, January 20, 2016 to be considered as we formulate the Association’s response. You also have the option of forwarding your questions or concerns directly to the Office of the University Counsel ([email protected]) by January 29, 2016. If you do submit a response to the University directly, please copy us ([email protected]) so that we are aware of your comments.

Join the Dialogue: Developing UBC’s Assault Policy

The Faculty Association welcomes the discussion on sexual assault policies that President Piper announced in her email of 23 November 2015. Faculty are troubled by all harms to members of the UBC academic community—students, alumni, staff, and faculty. We look forward to sharing faculty research and experiential expertise with the administration as it deals with this issue. As this matter is a grave concern, we urge UBC to develop a policy to be in place no later than the start of classes next September—and promise engagement and cooperation throughout the process.

To facilitate continuing faculty participation in the development of appropriate policies, UBCFA members are invited to send comments to the UBC Faculty Association ([email protected]) by January 15th.

Join the Dialogue: Proposed Policy #118 (Safety & Security Cameras)

UBC is inviting comments on proposed Policy #118 (Safety and Security Cameras). UBC’s rationale is available on the UBC Board of Governors’ site.

Please review Proposed Policy #118 and if you have any questions or concerns, let us know by sending an email to the Faculty Association ([email protected]) by Monday, November 16, 2015 to be considered as we formulate the Association&rsquos response. You also have the option of forwarding your questions or concerns directly to the Office of the University Counsel by November 30, 2015. If you do submit a response to the University directly, please copy us ([email protected]) so that we’re aware of your comments.

UBCFA Response to UBC Press Conference Oct. 15

Link to UBCFA Letter to Members from Mark Mac Lean, UBCFA President, responding to the UBC Press Conference held on October 15.

Fact Finding Report Released

Link to UBCFA Letter to Members from Mark Mac Lean, UBCFA President, in response to the release of the Fact Finding Report.
Link to the Fact Finding Report: Summary of Process and Conclusions, The Honourable Lynn Smith, Q.C.

Notice to Members re: response from BOG

Link to October 1 Notice to Members from Mark Mac Lean, UBCFA President. Link to response from the Board of Governors to UBCFA letter dated 21 September 2015.

Link to response from the Board of Governors to UBCFA letter dated 21 September 2015.