Issues in Depth

The UBC Faculty Association is the voice of faculty on a number of important issues. To see related posts on these issues including calls for faculty input, select the relevant tag or select the search icon at the top right of this page to use the search bar. Many topics are ongoing and faculty perspectives are always welcome. If you would like to comment on any item, please send an email to [email protected].

Letter to Members Sept. 2

Link to September 2, 2015 Letter to Members from Mark Mac Lean, UBCFA President requesting the Board of Governors renegotiate the terms of Professor Gupta’s resignation agreement.

Link to 1 September 2015 Letter from the UBCFA to the Board of Governors.

Agreement reached with UBC on fact-finding process

Dear Colleagues:

This email is an update on events that have transpired since the Faculty Association Executive Committee called for the resignation of the Chair of the Board of Governors, Mr. John Montalbano.

Shortly after our call for Mr. Montalbano’s resignation, we were approached by the University Executive to explore the possibility of designing a suitably rigorous investigation into the complaints against Mr. Montalbano, and other individuals in the Sauder School of Business. The Faculty Association Executive Committee is committed to due process and sound collegial governance, and we therefore accepted the invitation proffered by the University.

UBCFA Executive Calls for Resignation

Link to letter to members: UBC Faculty Association Executive calls for Mr. Montalbano’s resignation.

UBCFA Correspondence to Angela Redish

Link to UBCFA Correspondence to Angela Redish, Acting President and Vice-Chancellor, Provost & Vice-President Academic pro tem

UBCFA Notice from the Executive

Dear Colleagues:

As you may know, last week the UBC Faculty Association presented a request to the Board of Governors asking for more details on the resignation of Professor Gupta as President. We received the Board’s response on August 14.

We are disappointed that the Board’s response provides no new information. In essence, it asks the university community — and the public at large — to take on faith, the fact that the Board has acted responsibly and in the public interest. While the Board should normally have the trust and confidence of the university community, events surrounding the resignation of Professor Gupta make this increasingly difficult.

Response from Board of Governors

Read the response to our concerns from UBC’s Board of Governors here.

Reaction to Resignation

In reaction to President Arvind Gupta’s sudden resignation, UBCFA President Mark Mac Lean sent a letter to all of our members on August 10th. View our correspondence by following this link.

UBC Policy 81 Use of Teaching Materials

Policy 81

On February 20, 2014, the Board of Governors passed Policy 81 (Initial Version) (Use of Teaching Materials in a UBC Credit Course) outside its regularly scheduled meeting process. The Faculty Association vigorously opposed Policy 81 as drafted, revised, and implemented at all stages of discussion with the University. As Policy 81 was of major importance to the membership, we are presenting a chronology of events surrounding the issue.

UBC Policy 81 FAQ
Policy 81 – Frequently Asked Questions

Revised 26 April 2014

When does this take effect?
The Board of Governors passed the policy on February 20. It comes into effect on the first day of classes for the Summer Term 1 (May 12)