Programs and Events

As part of our services to members, the Faculty Association sponsors various workshops and seminars where members can gain valuable information and exchange experiences regarding their work life at UBC and beyond. Each year, the Association organizes the following workshops. For more information on any particular event, please contact the Faculty Association. 

Fair Employment Week

Celebrated all across North America, this week-long event recognizes the invaluable contributions by sessional faculty to UBC and raises awareness of the close relationship that exists between conditions of employment and conditions of learning. The Faculty Association’s Contract Faculty Committee hosts a number of events during Fair Employment Week including a luncheon and information sessions as well as distributes a variety of advocacy materials supporting the contract faculty community. Visit this link for an overview of events during Fair Employment Week 2019.

Promotion & Tenure Workshops

The Faculty Association usually co-sponsors workshops in Spring and/or Fall on both campuses. These information sessions are open to all faculty members and are of special interest to tenure-track members and those interested in promotion. Members will leave the workshop with a broader view of promotion and tenure issues seen from several perspectives. There will be opportunities to meet colleagues in an informal setting and share tips and information about promotion and tenure. Slide decks from these workshops are posted here when available. 


For more information on P&T Workshops, please contact the Faculty Association.

Retirement Planning

Information and workshops are periodically offered by the Faculty Pension Plan office about the Plan itself and retirement income options. For more information, visit the Pension Office list of upcoming workshops.

Free retirement planning sessions designed for faculty members aged 55 or older are offered periodically by the Faculty Association and the Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic. The sessions provide an overview of transition and lifestyle changes in retirement and how members can plan for them, financial and legal aspects of retirement, an overview of UBC’s pension and benefit programs and how they contribute to members’ overall retirement planning objectives, and, effective tax strategies to build family income stream. For more information, please contact the Faculty Association.

Special Events

The UBCFA will occasionally sponsor and organize special events for faculty. For example, the Association sponsored the March 2017 Conference “Racial (In)Justice in the Canadian University; The Politics of Race, Diversity and Settler Colonialism”. More information and videos of some of the presenters are available on our site at this link

Financial Planning Lecture Series

This lecture series covered topics relevant to all members through every stage of their career at UBC. The series was sponsored by the Faculty Association in conjunction with UBC Extended Learning. See below for information and links to slide presentations from the 2016, 2017 and 2018 lectures. The Financial Planning Lecture Series has been discontinued but could be revived at a future date.

Financial Planning Workshops:
Financial Planning Lecture Series 2018
2018 List of Lectures

Time and location for this series:

12:40 p.m. to 1:25 p.m.
Lecture Hall 1, Woodward IRC
2194 Health Sciences Mall

Tuesday, February 13 –
Cross-Border Tax Considerations for Americans in Canada

Presenter: Kaman Kwok CPA, CGA, CPA

Benefit from an overview of key tax considerations for Americans who reside in Canada. Kaman Kwok addresses questions and considerations regarding your tax filing obligations and special considerations for Americans planning to retire in Canada. This session is of value if you, your spouse or your beneficiaries are citizens or residents of the US and you would like understand all of the implications of the American taxation system. Slide presentation available here. 

Tuesday, February 27 –
Real Estate and Your Financial Plan

Presenter: Tom Davidoff, Associate Professor, Sauder School of Business

Real estate is often major component within a financial investment plan. Has recent economic turbulence affected the ways we think about owning, downsizing, renting or investing in property? What do the numbers and patterns over time tell us about the risks and benefits of real estate within an individual or a family financial plan? This session highlights considerations across the lifecycle of a financial plan – from your first purchase to downsizing or supporting your children in the local real estate market. Slide presentation available here. 

Tuesday, March 6 –
Investment Market Update – UBC Faculty Pension Plan

Presenters: Mike Leslie, Executive Director – Investments, Faculty Pension Plan; Neil Watson, Vice President, Senior Partner, and Portfolio Manager, Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.

Find out what happened in the equity and bond markets in 2017. Learn the main reasons behind last year’s performance, and what areas did, or did not, do well.  We will also discuss the outlook on how the markets may unfold in 2018 including the key drivers and concerns that may affect these markets. Slide presentation available here

Financial Planning Lecture Series 2017
2017 List of Lectures
Financial Planning Lecture Series 2016
2016 List of Lectures